Friday 16 October 2009


I have decided to talk about the terrorfying graphic horror SAW, it is about a man with an alias known as "jigsaw", he is a mastermind and a serial killer who is dying of cancer, he is obsessed with teaching people the value of their own lives.

Jigsaw builds horrorific traps for his victims, eachg trap is different and represents the thing that is missing from the subject's life, each trap is thought as a game for Jigsaw, he tells them the game they are playing and the rules that they must follow eother by audio or video tape.

The rules of a game are normally things that the victim must do to him/her self in order to survive. This film is majorly iconic as it was basically the first film of its kind that shocked its audience in the way that it did.

In the whole franchise it is one long story spread across 6 films at the moment and apperently there is another 3 films coming out soon.

In SAW the main character is Jigsaw, but this is only because the main character of each film is normally killed of near the end in one of Jigsaw's games.

The actor that plays Jigsaw is Tobin Bell, his voice is known throughout the world of horror and delivers bone chilling performances constantly.
As we have decided to have Horror as the genre of our film we will probably use techniques and ideas from this Horror world wide francise

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