Wednesday 2 December 2009

Memento and Insomnia

In our lesson we looked at the opening titles of the movies Insomnia and Momento

In Momento there was a black title screen with the blue bold font coming into focus, we then see a man's hand holding a polaroid photograph, the photo has already beeen complete, the shot then reverses, so the photograph then undevelops, the whole of the opening titles appears in reverse, we see blood on the wall appear to climb upwards, the shell casing of a pistol round appears to fly back to the chamber of the gun, we then pools of blood disperse. finally we can see a man with glasses on being shot in reverse.

In Insomnia, the opening credits of the movie appear to be blurred, this gives the feel of daziness which means lack of sleep, we then see a blurred view of a piece of fabric/cloth with blood seeping into it, we see multiple shots of this blood red colour seeping into different fabrics, the shot then pans out to see a man trying to wipe the blood from his sleeve, we then see an establishing shot of the Alaskan mountains.
I personly prefer momento as it is a more dynamic approach to the opening of the film.

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